Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three Products I'm Trying Right Now

So I have bland pasty white skin - I look tired and pale, I have a few age spots and other things and wrinkles - more on that another day.  

Every day before my shower I apply Exact Endless Summer Daily Moisturizer - in fair skin tone - I put it all over my face and neck, etc.  - It moisturizes and has a very gradual self tanner - It is NOT SUNSCREEN - I'm losing the pasty look and having a little bit of a moisture blast before my shower.  Sorry, I can't find  a link to it on the net, I bought it from Loblaw/Superstore - Exact is a generic brand - so try Coppertone Endless Summer instead.

I've always noticed I have racoon eyes when I look in the mirror at a department store through the day - bright reflective circles around my eyes bouncing the department store lighting back to the mirror - where I have applied a too light foundation to my face.  I took the time to see a cosmetician who recommended that I try a slightly darker but still pale foundation all around my face.  She matched the tone in-store - all over my face - and it seems to work.  Lancome Renergie Lift Makeup - seems to cover most of my spots, doesn't settle in my wrinkles, and has an SPF of 20 - it seems to stay smooth most of the day!  I'm not sure about the Lift thing though!

Finally I'm applying Maybelline Expert Wear Blush WF127 in Romantic Plum - I'd given up on blush years ago - because it made me look like I was wearing clown makeup over my pale skin.  This is working for me.

Try something new.  Please comment if there is something new you have tried!

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